Crater to Crater
No Other Place in the World with Such Craters and There is Only One Run Connecting Them
Type: One Way
Distance: 19.5km
Ascent: 745m
Descent: 585m
Time: 3-4h
Start: Colored Sands Campground, Yeruham Crater
End: Colored Sands Campground, Yeruham Crater
Variation 1: The route can be toughen by running the opposite direction (more ascending). Then its also make sense to dip toward the end in Ein Yorkeam pond
Variation 2: The route can be shorten slightly by starting from Ein Yorkeam nightcamp
Advantages: An elegant line through a crater, dry riverbed and then a long flowing line until the end
Disadvantages: Water is not available. It is unlikely to hitchhike back from Maale Akrabim nightcamp (the end) which forcing to deposit a car. Public transportation is not available
Interest Point: It is recommended to eat in Humus Inti in Yeruham on the way back. Not on the approach though